Market Info/Financial News Links
Follow the markets during the day...
- From cnnfn. This page also has links to everything else on their site.
Most Active NYSE/ASE/NASDAQ Stocks
- Updated continuously. From Yahoo! (you may have to register, but it's easy -- and free.)
- Also from Yahoo!
Put/Call Ratio
- The CBOE put/call ratio, updated every 30 minutes.
And A Call/Put Ratio 
- The International Securities Exchange call/put ratio. It uses only opening transactions by the public. (Click on "ISE Sentiment Index" in the lower left-hand corner of the picture.)
Business Stories
- Up-to-the-minute business headlines from CBS MarketWatch.
Top Financial News
- The biggest financial stories of the day.
U. S.
Treasury Prices/Yields
- Also from Bloomberg; updated every five minutes.
Sector Fund NAV's
- Daily net asset values -- including percentage changes and hourly price
data -- for Fidelity's 41 sector funds.
Business News
- More business headlines, also updated around the clock, from Reuters and
the Associated Press. This is a "raw" feed, so can be a little
difficule to follow sometimes, but this site is a little bit quicker than
the CBS MarketWatch site.
Go To General News Headlines
100 After Hours Indicator
- The NASDAQ 100 index, calculated on after-hours trades. Updated (with a 15-minute delay) until 6:30 pm.
Most Actives
- The ten most active stocks in NASDAQ after-hours trading. The page also has links that to the NYSE and Amex
after-hours most actives lists.
Go To General News Headlines
...all through the night...
In the old days, it used to be hard to find financial data on the Internet after 6:00 or so. There's loads of it now, though, so the following links are not nearly as crucial as they used to be. (The best after 6:00 source of information? Bloomberg TV; it carries a live feed from Asia and has constantly-updated U. S. market data crawling across the bottom of the screen. Beats CNBC by miles...)
- The S&P 500 futures contract, updated every 10 minutes. A preview
of tomorrow's stock market...
Bond Quotes From The CBOT Evening Session
- A preview of tomorrow's bond market...
U. S.
Treasury Prices/Yields
- From Bloomberg. Updated every five minutes -- around the clock.
Nikkei Quotes
- From the Nikkei site itself. (In English.)
Business Wire (via CBS MarketWatch)
- Business and general news headlines, updated around the clock. (On
that long-ago December evening when Greenspan made his now-famous "irrational
exuberance" comment and the S&P futures tanked, this was the only
wire I could find with the story.)
Business News
- More business headlines, also updated around the clock, from Reuters and
the Associated Press. This is a "raw" feed, so can be a little
difficule to follow sometimes, but this site is a little quicker than
the CBS MarketWatch site.
Go To General News Headlines
...and in pre-market trading the next morning.
100 Pre-Market Indicator
- The NASDAQ 100 index, calculated on pre-market trades. Updated, live, from
8:15 until 9:30.
Most Actives
- The ten most active stocks in NASDAQ pre-market trading. The page also has links that to the NYSE and Amex
pre-market most actives lists.
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