Technical/Statistical/Strategy Links

The Chart Store
The definitive source of long-term (and I mean long-term) charts of technical, economic and monetary data, presented by Ron Griess in a remarkably crisp format. (Notice that all the charts are annotated with prices and dates of important tops and bottoms -- which makes them invaluable quick reference tools.)

Carl Swenlin has a huge number of charts on his site; long-term and short-term charts of both indicators of all kinds and groups and stocks. Charts of the groups and sectors can be ranked by relative strength -- and the charts of the component stocks of each group and sector can also be ranked by relative strength, a particularly invaluable feature. You can get a real feel of strength and weakness within the market in a hurry on this site.

TeleChart 2000  
The source for charting data -- along with enough canned indicators and sorting tools to make everyone happy. (And they'll let you try it -- free -- for 30 days.

Lowry's Reports  
Lowry's is "the oldest continuously published Technical Advisor in the United States [since 1938]" -- and is "an enduring part of stock market analysis". They follow Buying Power and Selling Pressure, and are the most widely-used technical reference -- by technicians and non-technicians alike -- of them all.

Dean LeBaron  
A daily video comment on one of the big current investment issues (and much more) from the most innovative money manager -- and the greatest investment futurist -- of our time.

Comstock Partners  
Stimulating commentaries on the long-term outlook for the financial markets, both here and abroad, from one of the most insightful money management groups on Wall Street.

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